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麻醉氣體吸收系統Anesthetic Evacuation System (AES)可用于各種動(dòng)物麻醉機,回收動(dòng)物呼出的麻醉氣體

  (Anesthetic Evacuation System ,AES),負壓工作模式,安全高效地驅動(dòng)麻醉尾氣進(jìn)行處理,與桌式或立式麻醉機均可配合使用。
  • Powered unit for safe and effective removal of anesthetic waste gas
  • Can be mounted to anesthesia machine pole or used as a free standing unit
  • Two inlet ports allow connection to an induction chamber and an anesthesia machine simultaneously
  The Anesthetic Evacuation System (AES) will safely and actively remove waste gas associated with everyday inhalation anesthesia. It can be mounted on the pole of the CDS-2000, Vaporstick Plus or Vaporstick. It can also be used as a freestanding unit and simply placed on the benchtop. Two standard 19 mm (0.75 inch) inlets and one exhaust port allows easy hook-up to existing equipment. A 12 foot grounded electrical cord and lightweight tubing, allows for machine maneuverability.
  The waste gas from the pop-off valve on most rebreathing anesthesia machines is collected by passive flow to the AES. This allows for safe operation of the anesthesia machine with little or no vacuum exposure. Using a push blower, the AES actively removes the waste gas from the unit. The blower has the capacity of moving 12 cubic feet/minute through up to 150 feet of tubing to an outside vent or fume hood. The on/off switch illuminates a green light when the unit is activated. The ‘on’ light assures the operator that the unit is functioning.
  The Anesthetic Evacuation System includes a 3 inch and a 10 foot length of 19 mm ID hose and a 12.5 mm (0.5 inch) PVC Adapter. Additional lengths of tubing may be required and are available as an option along with an adapter to interconnect the 19 mm outlet tubing. An optional outlet line ceiling plate is available when connection to an outside wall is not convenient.
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