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Tweezertrodes are reusable, tweezer-style in vivo electrodes fordrug or gene delivery in animals. Tweezertrodes consist of astandard 11.5 cm tweezer that has been modified with stainlesssteel circular or disk electrodes at the tip. The gap between theelectrode disks may be adjusted from under 1 mm to over 2 cm.Tweezertrodes come in two models. Model 520 has an electrode diskdiameter of 7 mm and Model 522 has a diameter of 10 mm.Tweezertrodes may be cleaned with a mild detergent and sterilizedwith ethanol or ethylene oxide. These electrodes are connected to apulse generator with the Model 524 Connection Cable, and arecompatible with most BTX Electroporation System

Tweezertrodes may be used for many in vivo applications, includinggene and drug delivery. Following localized or systemic injectionof the molecule of interest, the Tweezertrode electrode disks areused to grasp the tissue of interest. An electroporation pulse isthen given, initiating pore formation and incorporation of themolecule into the cells of the tissue in direct contact with theelectrode disks. Suzuki et al. used Tweezertrodes to deliver aGreen Fluorescent Protein (GFP) gene into rat liver. The authorsdemonstrated successful gene transfer and expression in situ.1,2Saito and Nakatsuji used a similar electrode to introduce plasmidDNA during ex-utero and in-utero electroporation.7 Sato et al. usedthe Tweezertrode with the T820 to introduce EGFP expressing plasmidin mouse testis.8 Tweezertrodes complement BTX Genetrode Models508, 510, Caliper Electrode Models 384 and 384L, 2-Needle ArrayModels 530 and 532 as the newest addition to our in vivo electrodeline. The Tweezertrodes can be used to reproduce applicationsrequiring the caliper electrodes, including gene therapy,transdermal drug delivery and electroporation therapy.3,4,5,6 

Technical Specifications

Standard Capabilities 
Voltage Range: 0V - 200V (Do not use AC current) 
Pulse Length Range: 1 µsec - 200 msec 
Physical Characteristics 
Model 520 
Tweezertrode Length: 11.5 cm 
Electrode Diameter: 7 mm 
Electrode Material: Stainless steel 
Model 522 
Tweezertrode Length: 11.5 cm 
Electrode Diameter: 10 mm 
Electrode Material: Stainless steel 
Generator Compatibility ECM T820, 630, 830, 2001 

Ordering Information

System Model Available Configurations 
520 Tweezertrode 520
Tweezer Electrode with stainless steel plated 7 mm diameterelectrode disk for in vivo applications 

523 Tweezertrode 523
Tweezer Electrode with stainless steel plated 10mm diameterelectrode disk for in vivo applications 

Accessory Model Description 
524 Tweezertrode Connection Cable 

Suzuki et al., Direct Gene Transfer into Rat Liver Cells by in vivoElectroporation, FEBS Letters, 425: 436-440 (1998) 
BTX Electroporation Protocol PR0363 (1998) 
Zhang et al., In vivo transdermal delivery of large molecules bypressure-mediated electroincorporation and electroporation: a novelmethod for drug and gene delivery, Bioelectrochemistry andBioenergetics, 42: 283-292 (1997) 
Dev, Giordano and Brown, In vivo delivery of gene to rabbit carotidartery by electroporation, Third U.S. / Japan Symposium on DrugDelivery Systems (Abstr.), 38 (1995) 
Dev, Killing cancer cells with a combination of pulsed electricfields and chemotherapeutic agents, Cancer Watch, 3: 12-14 (1994)
BTX Electroporation Therapy Protocols ECT001-ECT005 (1995) 
Saito and Nakatsuji, Developmental Biology, 240: 237-246 (2001)
Sato et al., Molecular Reproduction and Development, 61: 49-56(2002) 

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